Partner Series

Exclusively available to Bible Strong Partners through December

Every three months we offer a new set of select radio series to our Bible Strong Partners as a way of saying thank you for supporting the ministry of Turning Point.

10 Messages

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Angel Mania and the Bible

Angels : Who They Are and How They Help

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Angel Mania and the Bible

10 Messages
10 Messages

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Peace in a Distraught World

Christians Have Stress Too

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Peace in a Distraught World

10 Messages
10 Messages

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How Can I Be Sure of My Salvation?

Ten Questions Christians Are Asking

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How Can I Be Sure of My Salvation?

10 Messages
11 Messages

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Why Did Jesus Become a Man?

Why the Nativity?

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Why Did Jesus Become a Man?

11 Messages

Bible Strong Living Library

October topic: Discipleship

Access the Bible Strong Living Library now to hear Dr. Jeremiah’s insight on a wide variety of biblical topics, and stock up on the helpful topic resources that are included with each volume.

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Christians Have Stress Too

Message 1: Peace in a Distraught World

In a world made dangerous by nations, ethnic groups, and even religious sects who fight against one another, true peace seems elusive. But Jesus told His disciples that there is a peace which is available to them at all times, capable of calming any storm in life: The peace of God. Covers John 14:25-31.

From the series Christians Have Stress, Too.

Christians Have Stress Too

Message 1: Peace in a Distraught World

In a world made dangerous by nations, ethnic groups, and even religious sects who fight against one another, true peace seems elusive. But Jesus told His disciples that there is a peace which is available to them at all times, capable of calming any storm in life: The peace of God. Covers John 14:25-31.

From the series Christians Have Stress, Too.


Peace in a Distraught World

In a world made dangerous by nations, ethnic groups, and even religious sects who fight against one another, true peace seems elusive. But Jesus told His disciples that there is a peace which is available to them at all times, capable of calming any storm in life: The peace of God. Covers John 14:25-31.

From the series Christians Have Stress, Too.


The Stress of Life

Modern man lives at a frantic pace and relies on various therapies to keep him from slipping over the edge. But a 2,000 year-old invitation still stands as the best remedy for relieving the stress of life: Take Jesus' yoke upon you and learn from Him. Covers Matthew 11:28-30.

From the series Christians Have Stress, Too.


Stress Begins in the Heart

Some people try to insulate themselves from the problems and pressures of life as a way to avoid stress. But then they get stressed over how to protect themselves! Paul the apostle had a more effective way that will work for believers today: Nurture the inward man. Covers 2 Corinthians 11:24-28.

From the series Christians Have Stress, Too.


Overcoming the Stress of Worry

Christians don't think of themselves as atheists, and yet that is often the way we live - as if there is no God. Though God has proved His faithfulness in the past, we still worry about the future. We must practice trusting the Lord until we have learned to rest in Him. Covers Psalm 37:1-8.

From the series Christians Have Stress, Too.


Overcoming Stress Through Prayer

I guess I'd better pray is a frequently heard lament among Christians. It's that bad, huh? comes the response. Rather than waiting until we're surrounded by stress, Paul exhorts believers to develop a lifestyle of appreciative prayer. The result is the peace of God. Covers Psalm 4:6-7.

From the series Christians Have Stress, Too.


Positive Thinking and Stress

Most people think reactively - their mind simply responds to the stimuli it receives. God would have us think proactively, choosing ahead of time what to dwell on, and thus remaining at peace mentally. Thinking God's thoughts after Him is the doorway to personal peace. Covers Philippians 4.

From the series Christians Have Stress, Too.


All Stressed Up and Nowhere to Go

The world loves a self-made man, one who has pulled himself up by his bootstraps. But God is seeking those who work smarter, not harder. True wisdom knows that strength to overcome stress comes from quietness before God and confidence in God. Covers Isaiah 30:15.

From the series Christians Have Stress, Too.


The Physical Side of Being Spiritual

Many Christians place less emphasis on keeping their body in shape than their soul. But in reality, poor health and conditioning can lead to a stressful lifestyle. Nurturing the physical, as well as the spiritual, is fundamental to enjoying a stress-free life. Covers Psalm 139:13-16.

From the series Christians Have Stress, Too.


The Stress of Discouragement

Nothing elevates the soul more than fellowship based in unity; nothing brings it crashing down like discouragement arising from disunity. Nehemiah proved that stress can be avoided in those situations by fearing God more than man. Covers Nehemiah 5:1-19.

From the series Christians Have Stress, Too.


How to Get Through the Wilderness

There is more than one kind of wilderness. While the Israelites lived in a physical wilderness, Christians live in moral and spiritual wildernesses as part of modern society. How God kept Israel alive provides the keys to dealing with the stress of modern living. Covers Exodus 16.

From the series Christians Have Stress, Too.

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