Partner Series

Exclusively available to Bible Strong Partners through March

Every three months we offer a new set of select radio series to our Bible Strong Partners as a way of saying thank you for supporting the ministry of Turning Point.

12 Messages

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Hope in Hopeless Times

Ruth: Romance and Redemption

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Hope in Hopeless Times

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Getting Back to the Book

Ten Steps to Spiritual Renewal

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Getting Back to the Book

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So What's Up With Tithing?

The Sermon on the Amount

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So What's Up With Tithing?

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11 Messages

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Knowing Who You Are

The Life God Blesses

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Knowing Who You Are

11 Messages

Bible Strong Living Library

March topic: Easter

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The Sermon on the Amount

Message 1: So What's Up With Tithing?

The clearest way to determine a person's priorities, including a Christian's, is to look at his or her checkbook. What we do with our money indicates whether we honor God above all else in life. The tithe was established as a way to keep God first in the hearts and minds of His people. Covers Malachi 3:10-12.

The Sermon on the Amount

Message 1: So What's Up With Tithing?

The clearest way to determine a person's priorities, including a Christian's, is to look at his or her checkbook. What we do with our money indicates whether we honor God above all else in life. The tithe was established as a way to keep God first in the hearts and minds of His people. Covers Malachi 3:10-12.


So What's Up With Tithing?

The clearest way to determine a person's priorities, including a Christian's, is to look at his or her checkbook. What we do with our money indicates whether we honor God above all else in life. The tithe was established as a way to keep God first in the hearts and minds of His people. Covers Malachi 3:10-12.


The Sermon on the Amount

Young married couples know that if they wait until they can afford to have children, they never will. The same is true with tithing. Tithing is intended to be a challenge for the believer so that it can only be accomplished as an act of faith and obedience - two things God always blesses. Covers Malachi 3:10-14.


It All Belongs to You

The American dream is the opportunity to own one's home and to increase one's store of wealth and possessions. Immersed in that mentality, it is a challenge for Christians to adjust their thinking biblically concerning ownership. The Bible says that God, as Creator, owns everything. Covers 1 Chronicles 29:10-19


God's Basic Plan of Economy

When we follow man's economic principles, debt and disorder are usually the result. But when we follow God's economic principles, blessing is the result. God doesn't need our money, but He knows we need His blessing - the blessing that comes through obedience to Him. Covers Malachi 3:8-12.


Hidden Motives For A Huge Commitment

The kingdom of God is filled with apparent contradictions - one of them is in the area of finances: the more we give, the more we receive. God wants Christians to be a channel of His blessing. So the more we give, the more we receive so as to demonstrate more of His grace. Covers 2 Corinthians 8-9


God's Basic Cycle of Sufficiency

When it comes to God meeting the needs of His people, His attributes are the primary consideration. He is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent - meaning there is nothing that He does not know and nothing He is not able to provide. His abundant provision is limitless. Covers 2 Corinthians 9:8.


Sorting Out Our Priorities

For the Christian, the most dangerous period of time in life is the period right after we have understood the will of God - but have hesitated to obey it. The longer we wait, the greater the possibility that we will rationalize the cost of obedience and choose our priorities over God's. Covers Haggai 1:1-15.


God's Basic Plan for Security

Trillions of dollars of wealth have been lost in recent years due to the economic recession that began in 2008. And there is no guarantee that wealth will ever be recovered. The only way to be secure in insecure economic times is to invest in eternity - for dividends now and forever. Covers selected Scriptures.


The Faith of Commitment

"Faith" is mentioned often in our culture, but not always in a biblical sense. Faith is sometimes used to mean optimism, hope, or willpower. Many people have faith in faith. But biblical faith is only as powerful as its object. In the case of Christian faith, that means faith in Jesus Christ. Covers Hebrews 11.


Seven Reasons Why I Tithe

Christian faith and practice has only one foundation - the truth of Scripture. Also beneficial are the insights of those who have implemented biblical principles for many, many years. The fruit of obedience to God's Word is increased understanding that can aid those younger in the faith. Covers Malachi 3:10-12.

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