Partner Series

Exclusively available to Bible Strong Partners through September

Every three months we offer a new set of select television series to our Bible Strong Partners as a way of saying thank you for supporting the ministry of Turning Point.

12 Messages

Unlock Message:

The Hostage

Agents of Babylon

Unlock Message:

The Hostage

12 Messages
10 Messages

Unlock Message:

The Exile

Agents of the Apocalypse

Unlock Message:

The Exile

10 Messages
8 Messages

Unlock Message:

Courage: When Fear Dominates You

Courage to Conquer

Unlock Message:

Courage: When Fear Dominates You

8 Messages
12 Messages

Unlock Message:

Slaying the Giant of Fear

Slaying the Giants in Your Life

Unlock Message:

Slaying the Giant of Fear

12 Messages

Bible Strong Living Library

July topic: The Second Coming

Access the Bible Strong Living Library now to hear Dr. Jeremiah’s insight on a wide variety of biblical topics, and stock up on the helpful topic resources that are included with each volume.

50% Off All Study Guides

$10 $5 (Bible Strong Partner Price)

An effortless benefit – the discount is automatically applied when you order online!

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